
Apoptosis against metastases

Apoptosis in cancer:

Developmental biologists have recognized that the death of cells is often necessary. If the pre-programmed cell death is initiated prematurely, delayed or even prevented, pathological processes arise, including cancer, AIDS or autoimmune diseases. Physiologically natural cell death should not be confused with pathologically caused cell death. In this process, known as necrosis, tissue perishes as a result of mechanical injury or other irreparable damage, for example due to a lack of oxygen.

An inflammatory process is also characteristic of necrosis. The pre-programmed cell death, apoptosis, continues until the end of life in animals and humans. A derailment can lead to cancer. All cell types of various multicellular organisms examined to date use a series of structurally related protein-splitting enzymes, the ICE-like proteases, as suicide instruments. They are named after the interleukin-1 converting enzyme. The suicide threshold is apparently particularly high for cell types that cannot be used or can only be used with disadvantages for the organism, such as nerve or skeletal muscle cells.

The suicide threshold is low for cells that can be easily regenerated, such as blood cells. Tumor cells have the property of proliferating excessively and not destroying themselves. Cells degenerate when various genes that control proliferation and survival gradually mutate. If a mutation is irreparable, a cell will usually kill itself so that it is no longer a threat. However, if apoptosis does not occur for some reason, genetic changes can accumulate in this cell and its descendants. These changes manifest themselves in uncontrolled proliferation and metastasis. Such cells often silence the p53 gene, which can help, among other things, to start the suicide machinery in the event of a genetic defect. In more than half of human solid tumors, including those of the lung, colon and breast, this protein is missing or is abnormal and non-functional. In addition to p53, other proteins appear to be involved in the regulation of apoptosis. For example, in certain types of cancer, mainly certain lymphomas, the apoptosis-inhibiting Bcl-2 is produced in excess. It is also suspected that some tumor cells can prevent their Fas from passing on commands to the suicide machinery. In the case of melanomas, it has recently been shown that they produce the Fas ligand and thus intercept immune signals for self-destruction by forcing attacking T cells to undergo apoptosis. Unfortunately, certain healthy cells also produce relatively high levels of Bcl-2. They are very likely to be particularly protected, as their loss would cause serious damage to the body. If they degenerate into cancer, aggressive tumors and new growths are to be expected, as the lack of growth factors from the original tissue is unlikely to have much effect on them. Melanoma is an example. The pigment cells of the skin intercept dangerous solar radiation and thus protect the unpigmented skin cells, which would be damaged by it. It therefore seems very reasonable that melanocytes are very robust. However, the high levels of Bcl-2 mean that apoptosis is less likely if they themselves suffer genetic defects. A tumor that develops as a result spreads intensively as a result of metastases.

What is ImmuSeroForte:

Only 7% of all affected patients worldwide survive the fight against metastases. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy, even many immunotherapies, have no effect against metastases.

ImmuSeroForte is a defecture drug that aims to activate apoptosis, i.e. natural cell death in the cancer cell. This is because apoptosis is disrupted in the cancer cell and thus the tumor and metastases can continue to multiply.

A very heavy burden on the body and the immune system.

In 93% of all cases, ImmuSeroForte showed that the metastases disappeared from the blood count after a course of 10 injections, and the primary tumor also disappeared or became smaller.

Sterile injection solution for cell treatment for intravenous use.

ImmuSeroForte is the trade name for a solution of mixed proteins known in immunology/cell research for the polyvalent stimulation of the immune system and contains immunoregulatory proteins in physiological concentrations.

The main ingredients and their effects are:

Name or abbreviation Function in short form [Detailed description of the composition and contents - Description] [to the individual studies]

Calcineurin A: T cell activation and apoptosis regulation, catalytic caspases apoptosis regulation

CRP: acute phase protein, inflammation indicator

Daxx: apoptosis and cell cycle regulation

Erk2: transcription factor

FADD: apoptosis regulation

HIF-1: transcription factor

HSP60: chaperone

HSP70: mode of action listed separately

iNOS: bactericidal and tumoricidal effects

JAK2: intracellular signaling

Methallothionine: lymphocyte proliferation

MyD88: intracellular signaling

Selenium: immune strengthening, detoxification, reduction of Inflammatory processes, among others


Worldwide studies prove the effectiveness of the composition of each of the main ingredients.

The composition is based on your latest blood values ​​so that ImmuSeroForte can develop its effectiveness.

Data sheet: (PDF)

Product information: (PDF)

Questions and answers about ImmuSeroForte:

The 5 most important questions and answers about ImmuSeroForte:

  1. WHAT is ImmuSeroForte?
    ImmuSeroForte is a temporary medicine that must be administered intramuscularly. Distribution and delivery
    exclusively to your doctor/natural practitioner.
  2. Why can ImmuSeroForte fight my metastases?
    ImmuSeroForte has the ability to reactivate the necessary (apoptosis) i.e. the natural cell death in the cancer cell/metastases thanks to its unique composition.
  3. Can I also use ImmuSeroForte alongside other immunotherapies or chemo radiotherapy?
    ImmuSeroForte can also be used as a combination therapy. The known side effects are some tiredness, weakness and possibly headaches, but reactions from your immune system that quickly disappear.
  4. How many injections are useful?
    It depends on your current state of health. If metastases are already well advanced, i.e. severe infection in organs, then an injection every 7-10 days is recommended. Ideally 10 injections given intramuscularly by the doctor/alternative medicine practitioner/complementary medicine practitioner.
    Affected patients often order 4-6 injections, followed by a check to see whether remission has occurred. (Metastasis decrease)

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